IEYC (International Curriculum)

International Cirriculum has a rich history of innovation in international education, with relevant, practical and research-driven approaches to designing your resumes. Part of Nord Anglia Education, the world’s leading premium schools organization, Fieldwork is part of a global family premium international schools, offering exceptional education from preschool to the end of high school.

International Cirriculum offers international curriculum and professional learning to more than 1,000 schools, more than 15,000 teachers, in more than 90 countries worldwide.


The International Early Years Curriculum (IEYC) is an innovative research-based toolkit, recognising global bestpractice and the developmental needs of 2-5 year olds. It supports key areas of learning through holistic enquiry and play-based approaches encompassing all curriculum areas including personal, social and emotional development. There are eight Learning Principles that underpin all practice in the International Early Years Curriculum (IEYC):
The earliest years of life are important in their own right.
Children should be supported to learn and develop at their own unique pace.
Play is an essential aspect of all children’s learning and development.
Learning happens when developmentally-appropriate, teacher-scaffolded and child initiated experiences harness children’s natural curiosity in an enabling environment.
Independent and interdependent learning experiences create a context for personal development and are the foundation of international mindedness.
Knowledge and skills development lead to an increasing sense of understanding when children are provided with opportunities to explore and express their ideas in multiple ways.
Ongoing assessment, in the form of evaluation and reflection, is effective when it involves a learning-link with the home.
Learning should be motivating, engaging and fun, opening up a world of wonder for children where personal interests can flourish.

The IEYC process of learning captures children’s natural curiosity as a starting point and within the proper environment balances child-initiated and teacher-guided learning.

Its unique learning process shifts the focus from mediation to the conduction of learning and development of children. IEYC is designed to be flexible and work alongside the existing national curriculum. The IEYC follows a defined learning process:

The entry point

The Entry Point is designed to 'hook' children and instigate them to learn more. The Entry Point can take a full day and have children engaged in many tasks around the school or community.

Global Vision (The Big Picture)

This is the process of providing teachers, children and guardians with an overview of the learning unit, it also prepares children for new learning experiences, while help to establish connections with previous learning.

Capturing curiosity

Capturing curiosity is an ongoing process, starting with the Entry Point. The process leads to finding out children’s previous knowledge about a topic and what they are curious to learn.

Explore and Express

Explore: This is the process in which IEYC learning activities with teacher scaffolding and child-initiated exploration are developed through individual and collaborative learning experiences. Express: These are the creative opportunities offered to help children demonstrate, share, and consider what they have become involved and what They have learned.

Enable the Environment

This is the process of planning and developing activities in internal and external spaces that will be relevant for learning in order to establish a positive social and emotional ambience, in that way children feel safe to explore and research enabeling learning to occur.

Reflection and Exit Point

This is the process at the end of an IEYC learning unit that helps children reflect, share and celebrate what they have learned