“Time flies like a river that no one sees.”
Ricardo Azevedo
Rituals of passage are important events that allow us to be present and celebrate the closing of cycles together. Today, in our society, this experience happens less and less frequently, as our presence competes directly with the number of commitments piling up on our schedules and, more than that, with the temptation to be closer to screens than to other people.
To finish, close, and conclude a stage through a ritual of passage brings awareness of what is being left behind and makes us reflect on what lies ahead. Thinking about all of this, on 12/02, a sunny Saturday, we celebrated at our school the end of the 2023 school year. It was a year full of hard work, during which we could closely witness the development of our children and all their accomplishments. Along with this, and with great pride, we also celebrated Rodrigo and Túlio’s promotion to the first grade of Elementary School.
Wearing a white T-shirt, designed by the children themselves, they gathered on stage to, collectively and integrally, sing and receive our affection and words.
We thank each one of you for being there and for all the partnership we shared over these months!
Ligia Botelho – Pedagogical Director