Early Years
The International Early Years Curriculum (IEYC) from the International Curriculum Association (ICA) is based on research recognized as best practices for the development and education of children aged 1 to 5 years. The program is implemented in alignment with the BNCC (Base Nacional Curricular Comum) and is grounded on key areas of learning, using a project-based approach that includes personal, social, and emotional development.
Play is an essential aspect of all children’s learning and development. Learning occurs when experiences guided by teachers and initiated by children combine natural curiosity with a supportive developmental environment.
Children are encouraged to learn and develop knowledge and skills at their own pace, with various opportunities to explore and express their ideas in a playful manner. Learning should be motivating, engaging, and fun, opening a world of wonders for children where personal interests can flourish.
The International Curriculum from the International Curriculum Association (ICA) provides an international curriculum and professional learning for over 1,000 schools, more than 15,000 teachers, in over 90 countries around the world.